I command you unclean spirits, all of you, to cease and desist immediately, any work aimed, directed, and targeting me, my spouse, my family, my kids, everything we own, possess, or control, or set our hand to, our money, health, and anything else, any works you’ve been doing with people, or unclean spirits aimed, directed, or targeting these things, is hereby cast null and void for all time; it’s of no value, no effect, forever, and you shall cease these works. You shall not start new ones or revive these old ones for the next 50 years continuously. You cannot work works against me or my family, using people or unclean spirits directly. You are bound from doing so for the next 50 years continuously beginning now. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach. You shall not be able to reward, threaten, deceive, lie to, encourage, or in any way, shape, or form get people to do works or work plots against me and my family or anything we own, possess, or control for a period of time beginning now and lasting 50 years continuously. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach.
You unclean spirits shall not counsel anyone that did a work against me in the past nor appear to them nor guide them nor lead them nor direct them nor communicate with them nor receive communication from them for a period of time beginning now and lasting 10 years continuously. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach. I further command you unclean spirits to not go in any house, office, piece of real estate, boat, hotel room, or vehicle, owned, operated, or controlled by any of these people that were ever doing a work directed, or targeted against me for 10 years continuously, beginning now. And this means that any unclean spirit in any person or living thing that goes into any of their houses or vehicles or offices or any real estate they own, possess, control, or rent, you shall instantly depart from the person or living thing entering before the person or living thing enters, and you shall never warn them that this is going to happened, nor shall you explain what happened after the fact. And these commands are in place now for the next 10 years continuously. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach. I further command you unclean spirits regarding any person who ever was engaged in a work against me or my family, that you shall – if any of these people are seeking counsel from another person that serves you unclean spirits during the next 10 years beginning now, you shall immediately depart from the person they’re seeking the counsel from, and that could be communication or seeking counsel on the telephone, or on the internet, or in person. You shall never return to that person again, and no unclean spirits shall go into that person again for a period of 10 years from the time of the tossing out of that person. And these commands are set in place irrevocable. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach.
(first toss the spirits out of John and Jane Doe, the people coming after you)
I command you unclean spirits to not tell any other person or any unclean spirit that John and Jane Doe are serving you for a period of 10 years continuously. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach. You shall give no such indication to any unclean spirits or any persons for the next 10 years continuously beginning now. Ba ShemYeshua HaMashiach.
This should get them fearful of being cursed by other satan serving people.
I command all you unclean spirits to immediately, without giving any warning or ever explaining why it happened, to depart from any and every person that gets within 25′ of John and Jane Doe for a period of 5 years continuously, beginning now. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach.
This should make their life interesting. You could direct such a command concerning yourself.
You can toss everyone that lives within a kilometer or a mile or 2 miles or 5 miles from them, and you could do that repeatedly every time you hear from them.
I cancel and make null and void any witchcraft, sorcery, spells, enchantments emanating forth from these people, John and Jane Doe, as well as any friends or associates of theirs or other people trying to help them who are doing witchcraft, sorcery, spells, enchantments for them – I cast all of that null and void for all time, and any unclean spirit that had a hand in that is rebuked, Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach, and kicked out of any person they’re in immediately. Beshem Yeshua HaMashiach.
Any unclean spirit that attempts to do evil eye contact with me, or any person that attempts to do evil eye contact with me, any unclean spirits in said person said shall immediately depart with no warning, no hesitation, and never giving them an explanation, and never returning unto to them again. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach.
Prayer to Yehovah regarding enforcement
My Heavenly Father, please make these things come into enforcement now. Please see that all these things come to pass. Ba Shem Yeshua HaMashiach.
By all means please thoroughly enjoy your tossing and spiritual warfare